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The 4 Effects and Side Effects of Conjugated Linoleic Acid (the first one is suspected by everyone)

Conjugated linoleic acid refers to a type of fat. Dairy products and beef are the major sources of conjugated linoleic acid in the diet. An average diet supplies 15-174 mg of conjugated linoleic acid daily.

Conjugated linoleic acid is commonly taken by mouth for weight loss. It is also often used for bodybuilding and fitness, but there is limited scientific evidence to support these uses.

Conjugated linoleic acid/CLA is essentially a kind of trans fatty acid, but it is a natural form that exists in food. Unlike common synthetic trans fats, CLA has biological benefits, especially popular weight loss products ingredient

Some animal studies have pointed out that conjugated linoleic acid has a variety of health benefits, including prevention of cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, elimination of body fat, immune regulation, etc. However, the application of these effects to humans is still controversial. Note 8

This difference comes from different forms and doses, population targets and length of use period, so more studies are needed to confirm


How does it work?

Conjugated linoleic acid might help reduce body fat deposits and improve immune function.


What is CLA (Conjugated linoleic acids)?

What are the recommended empirical effects (benefits) of conjugated linoleic acid/safflower seed oil?

  1. Cellulite and weight loss
  2. hypertension
  3. Dyslipidemia
  4. Non-alcoholic fatty liver

What are the side effects of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA)?

What is CLA (Conjugated linoleic acids)?

Natural conjugated linoleic acid refers to a group of conjugated double bond polyunsaturated fatty acids (main forms of c9, t11) formed by isomers of linoleic acid, mainly produced by ruminants such as cattle and sheep. Common products are beef and cheese

The conjugated linoleic acid in general health foods is made from safflower seed oil or sunflower seed oil through chemical treatment (partial hydrogenation), and is mainly composed of two isomers of c9, t11 and t10, c12. Blended. Note 12


What are the recommended empirical effects (benefits) of conjugated linoleic acid/safflower seed oil?

  1. Cellulite and weight loss

Weight loss is the most frequently discussed health topic, and most people think of it for nothing more than maintaining the outside, enhancing self-confidence and attractiveness.

Weight loss is nothing more than diet, exercise, drug intervention, and surgery. However, these methods have their own advantages and disadvantages. In addition, they are difficult to maintain, side effects, and risk factors. It is not easy to maintain slimness.

Some studies believe that conjugated linoleic acid has the effect of regulating lipid metabolism and reducing fat accumulation. Note 3-4

A systematic literature review and meta-analysis (Meta-analysis, including 7 studies, 974 participants) pointed out that compared with placebo, intake of conjugated linoleic acid can produce statistically significant weight loss effects, but the magnitude It is not large and not clinically relevant. Note 1 (So I want to lose weight through conjugated linoleic acid, the current evidence is still insufficient)

Another integrated analysis also found that conjugated linoleic acid (whether it comes from supplements or food) does not help reduce fasting blood sugar and waist circumference. Note 2

  1. Hypertension

Hypertension is currently the most common symptom in health checkups. It is estimated that more than 70% of the population over 40 are at high risk for hypertension.

The long-term pressure impact on the blood vessel wall can easily cause hardening of the blood vessels, affecting the blood supply of organs and tissues, and may induce cerebral cardio-nephropathy (such as stroke, angina, aortic dissection, renal failure, etc.)

Animal studies have found that conjugated linoleic acid has the effect of lowering blood pressure. Note 5. It may help prevent hypertension (the underlying mechanism is related to improving endothelial cells, promoting the production of nitric oxide and eicosanoids). Note 6

However, a meta-analysis (Meta-analysis, including 9 studies, with 638 participants) pointed out that compared with placebo, conjugated linoleic acid has no significant effect on human blood pressure regulation (total change value: systolic blood pressure-0.03 mm H, diastolic blood pressure 0.69 mm Hg). Note 7

  1. Dyslipidemia

Dyslipidemia not only represents an imbalance of a series of blood lipid parameters, but is also a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease, diabetes, hypertension, stroke and acute pancreatitis. Among them, low-density cholesterol and total cholesterol are the most concerned

It is estimated that the peak of dyslipidemia in men is common between the ages of 30 and 39 (prevalence rate is 48.2%), while that of women is more common after age 60 (prevalence rate is 46.3%)

A systematic literature review and integrated analysis (Meta-analysis, including 7 studies, 974 participants) pointed out that conjugated linoleic acid (whether the source is health products or food) has the effect of regulating blood lipids, especially reducing “density lipoproteins” “Cholesterol” is the most significant. Note 8

The underlying mechanism is related to inhibiting Apolipoprotein B and increasing the efficiency of low-density cholesterol clearance

  1. Non-alcoholic fatty liver

Non-alcoholic fatty liver is the most common chronic liver disease. It is mainly related to the excessive accumulation of large drops of triglycerides in liver cells (the total weight exceeds 5% of the liver weight). If left unchecked, it can be divided into: steatosis, Steatohepatitis, liver cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma

It is estimated that the prevalence of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in the total population is about 20%-30%, and the number of obese and diabetic patients has soared to 70%-90%

A small controlled study (8 weeks, 38 non-alcoholic fatty liver patients) found that conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) combined with vitamin E and weight loss diet can further improve glycosylated hemoglobin compared to the control group (HbA1c), body fat, liver function (LDL/HDL ratio), blood lipid index (ALT/AST ratio) and oxidative stress. Note 9


What are the side effects of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA)?

According to the current evidence, the conjugated linoleic acid ingested from natural diet is more helpful to the human body (mainly in the form of cis-9, trans-11), and it is relatively free of side effects.

The CLA in health foods is mostly in the form of 10-trans and 12-cis. Some animal studies have pointed out that high doses may cause insulin resistance, lipodystrophy, increase C-reactive protein, and affect blood lipid index (lower good cholesterol). . Note 10-11

In addition, the possible side effects of conjugated linoleic acid include: diarrhea, stomach pain, nausea and flatulence

Safety precautions (taboo):

Pregnant women, breastfeeding women, and those with poor liver and kidney function, please be careful (consult a pharmacist or physician before supplementing health products)

Patients with coagulation dysfunction, taking anticoagulants, and two weeks before surgery, please avoid using related CLA supplements (because it may slow the blood clotting speed and increase the risk of bleeding)

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