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6 Benefits of Eating Eggs (point 2 gives you a bright future)

Eggs are a very good source of inexpensive, high-quality protein. More than half the protein of an egg is found in the egg white, which also includes vitamin B2 and lower amounts of fat than the yolk. Eggs are rich sources of selenium, vitamin D, B6, B12 and minerals such as zinc, iron and copper. Egg yolks contain more calories and fat than the whites. They are a source of fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K and lecithin, the compound that enables emulsification in recipes such as hollandaise or mayonnaise.

Some brands of egg now contain omega-3 fatty acids, depending on what the chickens have been fed (always check the box). Eggs are regarded as a ‘complete’ source of protein as they contain all nine essential amino acids, the ones we cannot synthesise in our bodies and must obtain from our diet.

Eggs are super-perfect foods given by nature. They can provide all the nutrients needed for the birth of new life (rich in vitamins and minerals). Not only are they cheap, but there are also many variations in cooking methods.

Eggs can be said to be the best source of protein in natural foods, and their bioavailability is far better than that of a variety of foods (such as milk, beans, beef, whey protein, etc.). Regular eating not only makes you strong and strong (containing choline) , Can also protect overworked eyes (contains lutein)


Will eating eggs affect cholesterol?

In my impression, the relationship between eggs and high cholesterol is deeply rooted in people’s hearts. In fact, each egg does contain about 200 mg of cholesterol.

However, it is worth noting that cholesterol in the human body is mainly produced by the liver (about 70%), and the rest comes from food, and the cholesterol in the food does not significantly affect the cholesterol in the blood ( When eating more cholesterol, the liver will automatically adjust and reduce synthesis to keep the body’s cholesterol constant)

In 2015, the latest dietary guidelines published by the U.S. government also lifted the limit on cholesterol for decades (the original daily limit was 300mg). It also mentioned that intake of appropriate amounts of cholesterol is an essential part of a healthy diet. Can be supplemented with eggs or shellfish (contains cholesterol and high-quality protein) Note 15

In a paper discussing eating eggs and cholesterol, it is mentioned that about 70% of people eat high-cholesterol foods without affecting the blood cholesterol value, while the remaining 30% may slightly affect the value (such as Total Cholesterol, LDL cholesterol), but this does not increase the risk of cardiovascular disease Note 16

However, if there is familial hypercholesterolemia or other genetic mutations, it is difficult for the body to metabolize cholesterol, so avoid eating such foods


What are the recommended effects of eggs?

  1. Eggs are rich in nutrition

Eggs can be said to be one of the most nutritious foods on earth, because it can provide all the nutrients needed for the birth of a chicken. For the human body, although it cannot meet all the nutritional needs, it is very close to the ideal value.

A whole boiled egg (about 50 grams) has 77 calories, 6 grams of protein and 5 grams of high-quality fat, in addition to the following vitamins and minerals

  • Vitamin A: 244 IU
  • Vitamin D: 17.5 IU
  • Vitamin E (Alpha Tocopherol): 0.5mg
  • Vitamin B1: 20.6mcg
  • Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin): 0.2mg
  • Vitamin B6: 0.1mg
  • Folate: 23.5mcg
  • Pantothenic Acid: 0.7mg
  • Choline (Choline):  126mg
  • Betaine:  0.3mg
  • Calcium: 26.5mg
  • Iron: 0.9mg
  • Magnesium: 6.0mg
  • Phosphorus: 95.5mg
  • Potassium: 67.0mg
  • Sodium: 70.0mg
  • Zinc: 0.6mg
  • Copper Copper: 0.1mg
  • Selenium: 15.8mcg
  • High cholesterol
  1. Contains lutein and zeaxanthin, which can protect precious eyesight

Mobile computers have become an essential tool for modern people’s life and work. Almost all information, entertainment, and work in a day rely on these devices.

The consequences of overuse are symptoms such as fatigue, dryness and blurring of the eyes, coupled with the high-energy blue light emitted by the screen, which can seriously damage eyesight, easily cause degeneration of the lens and retina, cause cataracts and macular degeneration, and severely cause blindness

Lutein and zeaxanthin are among all nutrients, a few of them can enter the macula of the retina (the core part of vision, equivalent to the photosensitive element of the camera). They can form macular pigment, neutralize free radicals, and protect photoreceptor cells from high energy. Light damage Note 9

And more importantly, the bioavailability of lutein taken from egg yolk is higher than that of vegetables and various fortified supplements. It can be said to be the first choice for eye protection. Note 12

  1. Improve high density good cholesterol (High Density Lipoprotein/HDL)

When I hear cholesterol, most of them are bad subjective impressions, but in fact cholesterol is an indispensable lipid for maintaining normal physiological functions

Cholesterol is one of the fats circulating in the blood (others include triglycerides, free fatty acids, etc.). The main function is to form cell membranes, maintain cell integrity, and also form hormones (androgens, estrogen, glucocorticoids) ) And bile salts (the main component of bile, which can promote fat absorption) Note 1

As cholesterol is insoluble in the blood, lipoprotein carriers are mainly responsible for transport in the body. According to factors such as lipid ratio and particle size, it is mainly divided into low-density lipoprotein LDL/carrying bad cholesterol (mainly responsible for transporting cholesterol to the body. Place) and high-density lipoprotein HDL/carry good cholesterol (responsible for recycling the remaining cholesterol to the liver)

When HDL (high-density lipoprotein) is high, there is usually a lower incidence of cardiovascular disease and stroke Note 4, and in several studies, it has been found that eating more eggs does improve HDL and good cholesterol. Note 2-3

  1. Reduces very-low-density lipoprotein (Very-low-density lipoprotein)

Low-density lipoprotein/LDL is often referred to as bad cholesterol. Once the amount is too large, it is easy to accumulate in the blood vessel wall, forming atheromatous plaques, increasing the incidence of vascular sclerosis and cardiovascular diseases

Under the LDL, a kind of very bad cholesterol (VLDL/Very-low-density lipoprotein) can be subdivided. Due to the small particles and the characteristics of easy oxidation, it is more likely to cause inflammation and deposit in blood vessels to form arteries. Atherosclerosis is currently an important indicator for predicting cardiovascular disease Note 5

  1. Rich in Choline, maintain normal brain function and prevent many diseases

There was a diet survey in the United States, and it was found that 90% of adults’ daily choline intake did not meet the recommended standard value. Note 7

Choline, also known as vitamin B4, is one of the B vitamins. Its main function is to maintain normal cell membrane function. It also produces acetylcholine (neurotransmitters), cell signals (phospholipids/phospholipids), and lipid transfer ( Lipoproteins/lipoproteins), methyl metabolism (reducing homocysteine/Homocysteine) essential substances Note 8

Studies have also found that adequate intake of choline in the diet will help reduce the incidence of memory loss, cardiovascular disease, increased inflammation index, neural tube defects (Neural Tube Defects), and cancer. Note 8

Eggs (especially egg yolks) are the richest source of choline in natural foods (others include liver, fish, milk, etc.). On average, each egg contains about 125mg of choline, which allows you to replenish this important nutrient. (Daily recommendation The amount is: 550 mg for men and 425 mg for women)

  1. Not only will it not increase the incidence of cardiovascular disease (on the contrary, it may decrease)

Cardiovascular disease is usually the top three among the top ten causes of death in the world. There is no first and second, and its occurrence is usually the common result of atherosclerosis, aging, and hypertension.

In terms of prevention, diet, exercise, quitting smoking and drinking can be said to be indispensable. By improving living habits, at least 70% of serious cardiovascular consequences can be reduced, and the remaining three achievements are uncontrollable aging, genetic and gender differences

For decades, egg foods have always been stigmatized due to cholesterol, which is believed to cause high cholesterol and increase the incidence of cardiovascular diseases.

In an integrated database analysis (17 studies with a total of approximately 260,000 people), it was found that eating more eggs (one per day) in the diet did not increase the incidence of cardiovascular and stroke diseases (but one of the small subgroup studies It was found that it may increase the cardiovascular risk of diabetic patients, but it has not been proven) Note 13

Other integrated studies have also pointed out that adding eggs to a healthy diet is still safe and worthy of recommendation (some of which have also been found to reduce the incidence of cardiovascular disease), and the effect on blood lipids is almost negligible, whether it is for healthy people or those who are interested. This is the case for vascular disease and diabetes. Note 14

to sum up:

The benefits of eating eggs are really beyond description. In the above research cases, it is believed that 1 to 3 eggs per day are within the safe range, which will not cause health concerns for ordinary people. On the contrary, it can bring many benefits.

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