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3 Kinds of Health Foods That Are Good For Allergies (the third kind is less known)

When you think of food and allergies, you may think of keeping certain foods out of your diet to avoid an adverse reaction. But the connection between seasonal allergies and food is limited to a few groups of foods known as cross-reactive foods. Reactions to cross-reactive foods may be experienced by those with birch, ragweed, or mugwort seasonal allergies.

Aside from those groups of foods, seasonal allergies, also called hay fever or allergic rhinitis, only occur during certain parts of the year — usually the spring or summer. They develop when the immune system overreacts to allergens, like plant pollen, which results in lots of congestion, sneezing, and itching.

While treatment usually involves over-the-counter medicines, lifestyle changes may also help ease your springtime woes. Adding certain foods to your diet could actually help relieve symptoms like the nose-dripping and eye-watering. From reducing inflammation to boosting the immune system, there are a number of dietary choices that may help mitigate the miseries of seasonal allergies.

Allergy is one of the most popular diseases today. It occurs when the immune system produces a fierce immune response to harmless environmental substances (allergens)

Depending on where allergies occur, various reactions and symptoms can occur. If it occurs on the skin, it is eczema and urticaria, the lungs are asthma, and the nose or eyes are allergic rhinitis and conjunctivitis.

The clinical symptoms of allergies are not only debilitating and annoying, but in some cases, they can be life-threatening.

The most common form of allergies is seasonal allergic rhinitis. In the United States alone, 60 million people are affected. The prevalence rate is about 10-30% for adults and nearly 40% for children, which greatly affects school, work and society. Note 8


What are the health ingredients that are beneficial to allergies?

  1. Probiotics

Most of the time, humans are regarded as independent individuals, but various biological and medical studies have confirmed that this is not the case. There are a large number of biological groups in the human body, the most important of which is the intestinal flora

Alanna Collen, a well-known British biology doctor, mentioned in her best-selling book: 10% Human that only 10% of the human body is human, and the remaining 90% have a large number of bacteria and fungi, which are the key factors for enjoying a healthy life. Often determined by these bacteria in the human body

There are more than 100 kinds of bacteria in the intestines, the number is as high as 100 trillion, which can not only help the decomposition of food to make vitamins, but also have an important relationship with obesity, mental illness, allergies, inflammation, autoimmunity and other diseases

A comprehensive analysis of alternative systems also pointed out that probiotics are potentially helpful for the treatment of allergic rhinitis, especially SAR and LP-33 strains are the most effective. In addition, nasal obstruction, nasal itching, runny nose and Th1:Th2 ratio also decreased with the use of probiotics. Note 2

  1. Fish oil/omega-3

As the name suggests, fish oil is the fat of fish, rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Although fish oil is not the only source of omega-3 supplementation, it is the best and economically efficient way

There are three types of omega-3 in the human diet, namely ALA, EPA and DHA. ALA is more common and is found in vegetables, fruits, and nut foods, but it has to be converted to EPA and DHA to have human effects, but according to research conversion The rate is only 0.3%-7%, the benefit is very low

EPA and DHA are found in fish, shrimp, shellfish or algae. Although they are common, they are also the most frequently overlooked part of human diet. Coupled with pollution of the ocean or fresh water, it is not easy to enjoy reassuring seafood. Therefore, supplementing with purified health products is one of the options

A cross-section study (Cross-Sectional Study, 568 adults) found that eating more omega-3 fatty acids (EPA or ALA) from the diet can help reduce allergic sensitisation and allergic rhinitis rate. Note 3

  1. Vitamin D (Vitamin D)

Vitamin D is currently one of the most noticed nutrients, the main source is sunlight, followed by diet or nutritional supplements.

In most people’s minds, the impression of vitamin D is always related to calcium and phosphorus balance and bone health. However, current research has found that vitamin D deficiency has many adverse effects on health, including increasing the overall mortality rate, cancer, cardiovascular disease, fractures, autoimmunity, colds, diabetes, and even depression.

The human body’s ability to synthesize vitamin D is often affected by skin color, sun protection, latitude, age, sun exposure and clothing. According to surveys, about 50% of the world’s population has insufficient blood vitamin D levels

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